34ºc, Sunny
July 28, 2023
Jehovah-Jireh Choir started the service of worship at Kigali Independent University (ULK), at Saint Paul where the University started its mission in 1998. Few number of Born again students at that time who where enrolled at ULK gathered just as a kind of every break-time prayer in a Congregation of Pentecostal University student named “CEP”(Communaute des etudiants pentecotistes), their number was 15 students, who met regularly to pray and praise God in Break time.
Even if there were few, they did not give up but the number increased week by week, God also inspired them and speak to them and give them promises of being strong and famous choir in the time to come .They were led by Magnifique UMUTONI(Songs leader) and Jacques NTAKIRA was the Head of Worship team and Prayer leader , then Herman BUDIGIRI was Head of the congregation of Pentecostal students CEP at ULK in the year of 2003 who is currently a Pastor in ADEPR.
On 25th June 2005,CEP-ULK was chaired KAMPAYANA Jean De Dieu, on the same date, worship team was changed to be a Choir on the Name we have today *JEHOVAH-JIREH CHOIR. This name has origin in the Bible in Genesis 22:14, by the time Abraham laid his son Isaac on the altar on the top of the wood made by him. After taking the knife to slay his son. That time the angel of the Lord Called out Abraham two times, stopping him to slay his son because God remarks that Abraham obey him. That time he saw a ramb to be sacrified as burnt offering instead of his son, then Abraham called that place “JEHOVAH-JIREH” meaning "LORD Will Provide", even today that place has the same name.
Later on, Jehovah-Jireh choir count many members in year of 2010,where they launched the first Album that contains 10 songs of Audio and Video named” INGOMA YA KRISTO NTIZAHANGUKA” means that” The THRONE OF JESUS WILL NEVER END”. That time the choir started to have many followers because of the good News and inspiring message from God to his people, not only Rwandans but also around the World.
We are thankful to God that enable us in his service, we are no longer few because we are around 140 members, even if at the starting, all of our songs were from Cantic songs but now we are inspired to our own songs because we have almost 200 songs and 4 Albums Audio and Video as follow:
Album 1: INGOMA YA KRISTO NTIZAHANGUKA Means that “THE THRONE OF JESUS WILL NEVER END” 10 Songs Audio and Video Launched in 2010.
Album 2: UWITEKA NIWE MANA” HE IS THE ONLY GOD”12 Songs Audio and Video Launched in 2014.
Album 3: UMUKWE ARAJE Means that “THE BRIDEGROOM IS COMING ” 14 songs Audio and Video Launched in 2016)
Album 4: URUGAMBA NI YESU URUYOBOYE” Means that” THE BATTLE IS LED BY JESUS” with 10 Songs Audio and Video Launched on the last Sunday of 2019
Currently 98% of Jehovah Jireh Members finished their Bachelor’s Studies at ULK, we started 2% of members were married but now 2% of members are single. God changed our status.
Jehovah -Jireh has a Group of His Friends or Partners who formed together to follow and support daily activities of the Choir, where we count now 126 registered members.
We are very thankful to that group It has the name” INKORAMUTIMA” The touched our hearts.